Saturday, July 27, 2013

Keiki 2 removed and potted

     While this keiki has been removed from the mother plant for months now, I have just now removed it from the inflorescence and potted it up on its own. The leaves show a bit of wrinkling from dehydration. I believe this was the best time to just bite the bullet and pot it up, in hopes of the tiny roots providing better hydration than the cut inflorescence did.

About 6 stubby .5 inch roots.

     The rule of thumb for keiki removal is "3 inches of roots"; this can be 3 one inch roots or 1 long three inch root. This keiki did not truly fulfill the requirement, yet seems to be doing okay right now. I snipped the stem just above and below the attachment point and let the plantlet soak in warm water, barely laced with Physan for 5 minutes. In the meantime, I prepared a tiny 2 inch plastic pot by layering LECA on the bottom.

     Finally, I surrounded the keiki with oncidium/seedling mix from Repotme. The roots are barely touching the mix, just resting on it. The keiki is somewhat unstable in the pot, but I do not plan to disturb it, even for watering. It can be easily and thoroughly watered with my misting bottle until it becomes more established in the pot.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Orchid Terrarium: Not happening!

    I have many times mentioned how I planned to set up an orchid terrarium. I actually bought an Exo-Terra tank recently and the second I brought it home from the store, I realized it was a bad mistake. I returned it the next day and have not regretted it (I wish I took pictures!).

     I have decided to stick to Ikea shelving in my college dorm with a grow light. Maybe I will soon start my terrarium adventure again, but for right now, I dont have the time or energy for upkeep. Not to mention I will have to clean out and lugg the 80 lb. glass tank back home every 4 months for winter and summer break.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Phal Ikea suffering from unknown leaf spotting.

     Recently, Phal Ikea and an older leaf (that I have since cut off) on Phal Mommie have developed these mysterious white spots on the underside of the leaves. I am 95% sure it is not scale, since I have dealt with scale before and scale is easily scraped off. These spots are well attached to the leaf. I did try to scrape one off and it removed some of the leaf flesh. It has also not spread to any of my other orchids, making it even less likely to be scale.

     It is possible that the spots are scarring but I have absolutely no idea. Would scarring cause see-through spots on the top-side of the leaves?  I have been googling like crazy and nothing yet has caught my eye as similar.

     For now, the phal is quarantined in my closet until further notice.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Barely alive Phal Mommie growing a Leaf.

     Yeah, thats right. The same phalaenopsis that I was just about ready to throw out is showing signs of life. I am just very angry that this new growth is not roots!

     The existing leaves are wilted. This plant has only one 1 inch root with a damaged tip, so it will not continue growing longer. The root is not taking in nearly enough water to keep the phal alive, so it is frustrating that it is growing more leaves that it wont be able to upkeep with.  Phal Mommie is so backwards when it comes to growing and I am ever slowly becoming sick of taking meticulous care to keep it alive. This new leaf growth has bought it some more time before going into the trash.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

General Growth Update

Tol. Tequila Sunrise with 3 new blooms from an extension
      Nothing much exciting going on right now. Mostly roots growing like crazy, so I will compile it into one post.

     My tolumnia has been doing well for now and has put out a new fan. It is growing slowly and crooked towards the light coming through my window.

A bright baby green shoot in the middle. Sorry for the poor photo.

     The new pseudobulb on Onc. Heaven Scent is maturing quick and has put out a few roots. I have since cut off the leaf that was obstructing the roots from reaching the bark. They have turned around and started growing into the media.

     Another leaf is growing out of Phal. Floppy Jack, along with 3 more roots. It is really exploded with new growth and any old roots and leaves are quickly withering away. I am unsure if this is a good sign or a bad one. I guess time will tell.

     Phal. Green is also showing signs of another new leaf poking through the crown. The last leaf has grown small (just like most other ones that have grow in my window sill) from poor light.

     Now that it is July, I am slowly starting to compile things needed to set up the anticipated college-bound orchid terrarium. I have bought a small clamp light that will use a grow-light and a medium-sized dome light to rest on top of the tank and provide full-spectrum lighting. I have dismembered an old tower computer I had for its two cooling fans to provide a breeze.

     I have also started making a McGyvered humidity/ misting system using an old cool-mist humidifier using a how-to I found on Orchidboard.

     I am leaving the most expensive purchase for last: An Exo-Terra tank.