Saturday, July 20, 2013

Phal Ikea suffering from unknown leaf spotting.

     Recently, Phal Ikea and an older leaf (that I have since cut off) on Phal Mommie have developed these mysterious white spots on the underside of the leaves. I am 95% sure it is not scale, since I have dealt with scale before and scale is easily scraped off. These spots are well attached to the leaf. I did try to scrape one off and it removed some of the leaf flesh. It has also not spread to any of my other orchids, making it even less likely to be scale.

     It is possible that the spots are scarring but I have absolutely no idea. Would scarring cause see-through spots on the top-side of the leaves?  I have been googling like crazy and nothing yet has caught my eye as similar.

     For now, the phal is quarantined in my closet until further notice.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i have the same thing on one of my orchids too! Underside of the leaf.. did you ever find out what it was? :)
