Plant list & care

All potted in bark watered once a week.
All potted in spag watered once every 2 weeks/ when thoroughly dry.
Avg. winter temp.: 70* F
Avg. summer temp: 78* F
Humidity: 45 - 55%

Cattleya Alliance
  1. BL. Yellow Bird 
      • acquired Feb 28, 2013 (Lowes)
      • Potted in coconut mix,  4" plastic pot
      • last repotted: Feb. 28, 2013
      • blooming:
        • 3/30/13 (1.5 month total)
      • Active growth:
        • 2/2013: in spike + 2 pseudobulbs
        • 5/2013: 3 roots
  2. B. Little Star
      • acquired Feb 28, 2013
      • Potted in coconut mix,  4" plastic pot
      • last repotted: Feb. 28, 2013
      • blooming:
        • 3/19/2013 (2 month total)
      • Active growth:
        • 2/2013: in spike
        • 5/2013: 1 root + pseudobulb
  3. L.C. Mari's Song x Mem. Robert Strait 'splash petal'
      • acquired Feb 20, 2013
      • Potted in coconut mix,  3" plastic pot
      • last repotted: Feb 28 2013
      • blooming:
        • never
      • Active growth:
        • 2/2013: 1 pseudobulb + 1 unknown leafy nub.
        • 5/2013: 2 roots
Oncidium Alliance

  1. Oncidium Heaven Scent 'redolence'
    • acquired Jan 13 2013 
    • Potted in fine coconut mix,  4" plastic pot
    • last repotted: Feb. 28, 2013
    • blooming:
      • At purchase (3 weeks total)
    • active growth:
      • 4/5/13: 1 Pseudobulb
      • 6/13: new roots from PB
      • 8/13: in spike (2)
  2. Tolumnia Tequila Sunrise
    • acquired April 6 2013 
    • Mounted, 6" x 3" cork
    • last repotted: April 8, 2013
    • blooming:
      • At purchase (1 month time)
      • 5/13: spike extension - 3 blooms , 1 month time
      • 7/4/13: Spike extension - 2 blooms
    • active growth:
      • 6/13: New fan
Phaelenopsis Alliance
  1. Phal. NoID "Miker" 
      • acquired Feb 16, 2013 
      • Potted in coconut LECA mix,  4.5" plastic pot
      • last repotted: Feb. 28, 2013
      • blooming:
        • At purchase (1.5 months time)
        • 4/13: 2 sequential blooms (2 months time)
        • 7/13: Spike cut
      • Active growth:
        • none
  2. Phal. NoID "Mommie" + Keiki 1&2 (unknown)  (Trashed)
      • acquired spring 2012 
      • Mounted, light spag on one root.
      • last repotted: Feb 28, 2013
      • blooming:
        • never
      • active growth:
        • 7/2012: Keiki 1 
          • separated from mother 4/4/13, full stem. Stem placed in water & keiki treated with rooting hormone.
          • 5/2013: new leaf growth + 1 root
        • 8/2012: Keiki 2
          • separated from mother 3/24/13, full stem. Stem placed in water & keiki treated with rooting hormone. 
          • 5/2013: plethora of roots
          • 8/2013: potted
        • 11/2012: 2 leaves
        • 6/2013: leaf
  3. Phal. hybrid NoID  "Ikea" 
    • acquired fall 2012 
    • Potted in bark, 5" clear plastic pot
    • last repotted: 4/5/13
    • blooming:
      • At purchase fall 2012 (1.5 months total)
      • 1/8/13 (3 months total)
    • active growth:
      • 12/2012: 2 leaves
      • 5/2013: unknown # of roots.
  4. Phal. NoID "Floppy Jack" 
    • acquired fall 2012 
    • Potted in coconut mix, 4.5" plastic pot
    • last repotted: September 2013
    • blooming:
      • bought after bloom
      • 12/2012: 3 blooms (1.5 months total)
    • active growth:
      • 12/2012: spike extension (removed)
      • 5/2013: 2 roots
      • 5/2013: leaf
      • 7/2013: leaf
  5. Phal. NoID "Valentine" 
      • acquired Feb 14, 2012
      • Potted in coconut mix,  4" plastic pot
      • last repotted: Feb. 28, 2013
      • blooming:
        • At purchase
      • Active growth:
        • 11/2012: 1 leaf
        • 4/2013: 1 leaf + 1 root
        • 5/2013: 4 roots
        • 10/2013: in spike
  6. Phal. NoID "Green" 
      • acquired 2012
      • Potted in coconut mix,  4" plastic pot
      • last repotted: Feb. 28, 2013
      • blooming:
        • pre-purchase
      • Active growth:
        • 5/2013: 1 leaf + 2 roots
        • 7/2013: leaf

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