Saturday, January 12, 2013

Phal NoID "Mommie" + keiki #1 & 2

Keiki #1, Rubber-banded to cork mount.
     Im happy to introduce Phal "Mommie", quickly named so after I found 2 keikis growing on its spike. It is one of my healthiest plants and continues to grow leaves and roots despite supporting 2 (possibly a 3rd) keikis. I have read on a few blogs that the mom will sulk and even die after raising the keikis but my plant seems to be doing great. It is housed in a plastic pot filled with bark to keep moisture high, and was originally placed in grow area 2 (the quarantine area) after I noticed a few mealy bugs. The first few leaves on keiki 1 are slightly scarred from mealy bug dammage.
Mother plant, two new leaves on top.
keiki 1, left side with (mysteriously) damaged root.
Keiki 1, right side with new root.

     As seen in the first picture, keiki 1 has been already mounted onto cork, despite not having strong roots. I want the roots to latch on as soon as possible to the cork mount, so it can be removed and let the mom grow without strain.  The sooner cork is introduced, the sooner it can happen! The cork is standing up by itself, attached to a stake, and lightly rubber-banded to the spike. It is not placing any weight on the spike this way. Hopefully, everything will work out.

keiki 2, no roots.

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