Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Surprise! I have blooms!

     I wasn't planning on introducing this phal. just yet, but the fact that it bloomed makes me very excited!

     This is phal. hybrid I named "Ikea", after the store it was purchased in the fall. It is also my most recently purchased (still living) specimen.
Right after purchase, fall 2012, in bloom - Excuse the mess :)

     It was in bloom when purchased and I immediately replanted it into a larger container with bark because the roots looked like they had no desire to be in that moss. The leaves were covered in leaf shine which I removed using baby shampoo.

     I initially thought this was 3 plants in one container, but I soon did a few google searches and realized it was one plant with 2 basal keikis! I do believe the mom might be terminal - While the 2 keikis have spikes, and are recently producing roots and new leaves, the mom sits slumped with limp leaves and shows no activity.
A crown-shot. A new leaf on each keiki, mom to the right.
      Finally, I am excited for this phal. to bloom because of its bright yellow flowers (my favorite color)! I wasn't expecting it to open just yet but it surprised me in the morning when I was misting. Im a bit worried, too, because my humidity had been fluctuating like crazy. The last thing I want is bud blast.
New bloom up close. 
Blooming orchid amongst friends.

     I will update again when in full bloom.

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