Sunday, August 18, 2013

Potting of Keiki 1 and Phal. mommie

     Although Keiki 1 was not necessarily ready to be potted up yet, it needed some source of moisture desperately. I was planning to mount this specific keiki on cork, but I would never be able to keep up with its watering needs to keep it alive. The spike it was growing off of has finally completely dried up.

     After a bit of maturing, I still plan on mounting this plant. For now, lets see where nature takes it.

     Phal "mommie", also in desperate need of water, has finally pushed a root. I also spy yet another leaf ready to poke out of the crown, and it is frustrating the living crap out of me. It has absolutely no energy to waste on a 4th leaf that will just be stunted! (AHHHHH!)
     I took the same approach as the keiki, and just potted it up in hopes of the best. I am really tired of misting, and adjusting, and checking, and disinfecting. Just not worth my time and frustration.

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