Sunday, August 11, 2013

Growth update

     Just a general growth update: Pseudobulbs are growing like crazy!

     L.C. MSxMRS  has put out a tiny new p/b in the back, and one in the front that has sprouted out from nothing to the current size (above) in about 2 days!  The dark, emerald foliage of the cattleya has also become more of a grassy-lime green ever since I installed my makeshift lighting.

     Phal. "Ikea" has also decided to push another leaf from a basal keiki. Nothing too special. The mother plant, which I believe is terminal, is slowly losing its lowermost leaf.

     Finally, D. aggregatum has surprised me with two p/b's, too. The nubbs are both a very dark purple, almost black looking, even though they are well shaded by the older growth. There are many new roots accompanying the p/b's.

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