Sunday, February 10, 2013

Root rot on Phal. NoID w/ keikis

Leaves showing some distress - Drooping and thinning especially on the bottom two.
      I think I finally understand why this Phal is pushing keikis.

     When I originally picked up this Phal. NoID I had no idea that it would push keikis from its spikes. It root system wasn't ideal, but still nice compared to what I usually find in big-box stores. Nothing I couldn't handle or havent fixed on previous orchids. The roots were slightly rotted, so I clipped, disinfected, soaked in SuperThrive solution, then potted into bark. About 4 months later, the plant became very thirsty and droopy. To my dismay, half of the existing root system was dead. This time, I clipped and disinfected with Physan and a fungicide to be safe before repotting into spag/bark mix. I added some chopped spag to keep up with the plants thirst, but made sure to keep it very airy. The medium dried completely about every 3 days. Afterwards, the phal was rather happy for another 4 months.

Post rot removal. 3 roots keeping this phal alive, all showing signs of rot, too.

     Recently, more drooping made me worried. I unpotted one last time to find 3 stubby roots keeping this Phal alive. There is one, stubby, somewhat healthy green areal root, but it rarely receives moisture so I doubt it contributes much. I cleared away the major rot, and once again soaked in Physan. The 3 roots I left all show black (but not mushy) rot. I will let them just slowly rot away and provide some water to the plant before I lop them off. There is no signs of new root growth, despite treatment with Superthrive.
   I am at loss - is this viral rot? And why would a rotting, on-the-brink-of-death Phal grow 2 new leaves?

Keiki 1 (right) and Keiki 2 (left)
   Keiki 1 has finally grown a nice root. It has attached itself to the cork, just like I wanted it to.
   I honestly am not too concerned about the mom. I of course will try to keep it alive but will not extenuate myself, especially since its a NoID and since I have 2 keiki clones.

     Hoping for the best, but dont expect any good news out of the mom.

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