Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Phalenopsis NoID. "Miker"

Bright yellow blooms with purple accents.

     My boyfriend bought me a lovely gift for Valentine's day -  I am an owner of another NoID phal.  Im a bit disappointed since I already own a bunch of NoID's, but nonetheless, I love it. My boyfriend had great taste in flowers!
     I am naming it "Miker", after a nickname given to my boyfriend by friends.

Poor picture, but you get the idea :)
New root poking out besides an old one that was snipped off.
Barely visible but there!


     As with almost every grocery store Phal, this one was packed tight with soaking wet sphagnum moss. Adding to the injury, my boyfriend watered it even more, leaving it in a puddle of water. I almost instantly unspotted it to find rotting roots, which I pruned on the spot. Without any cinnamon, I left the phal out to dry for 24 hours, so the cuts would be less susceptible to disease.
     Good news is, the phal seems to be poking out new roots already. Recovering this root-rotted phal might be easier than I thought. I repotted it into a clear 4.5" container with a LECA sphagnum mix to keep things moist, yet airy.

     The 4 blooms are 3" across, and possibly scented - I smell an *extremely* faint floral scent when watering.  This is something I will have to confirm with some research and maybe another bloom cycle. It may just be all in my head :P
Spots along stem - injected?
    I am a bit concerned that the lovely purple in the phal is injected. I guess we will find out when It blooms again!

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