Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A series of unfortunate events...

     The shelf that houses all but 2 of my orchids has failed to hold onto the wall and fell approx.  5 ft to the ground today.


     The idiot that installed the shelf attached it to drywall instead of wall studs. I wish I took pictures, but I was too concerned with the state of my orchids and carpet to do so. Luckily, there was minimal dammage - Everything needs a repotting though. Cleaning the spilled media and terra-cotta from my carpet was a pain in the ass. The media was too damp and sticky for the vacuum to pick up but too small to pick it all up by hand. Tedious work!

     Its a funny turn of events because I just came home with two more orchids for my collection and my orchid supply order came in the day before. Fate?
     Needles to say, I will be updating again with the repotting info.

Wish me luck...

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