Friday, April 5, 2013

Root Progress on Phal. NoID "1"

     There has been a lot of salts crusting on phal 1's roots and just in general at the base area. I have salt-softened water in my whole house and when rain is not available, I just water with the tap. I doubt that fertilizer is causing the salt build up, simply because I sparingly and rarely fertilize. Many times, I just forget for months! It is more likely the water is messing things up.
     I have been flushing the plant with rainwater as much as possible and even manually scraping areas where it is clearly crystalline and crusty.
     While flushing, a few fresh, bright green roots showed through the pot - so exciting! There was a bit of root trouble last time I unpotted,  but it seems like things took a turn for the better instead of rotting away.

     Good news, I am looking into purchasing a new camera (with macro!) so I can take better pictures for the blog. Today's post is a clear sign that I could use a better camera - I tried taking a picture of the salt crusties and just couldn't get a clear shoot!

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