Sunday, April 7, 2013

Removal of keiki 1 and rootless keiki 2

     About 2 weeks ago, both keikis on phalaenopsis NoID "mommie" were becoming thirsty, wrinkled, and floppy. I removed keiki 2 from the weak, dying mother  and  reasoned that cutting it off of the plant would push more energy towards keiki 1 (which had a higher chance of survival, due to an already developed, yet small root). I felt too guilty to just throw the keiki out, so I cut the whole spike, threw it in a small cup of water, placed it in a forgotten corner, and let nature take its course.
     One week later, I come back and see that abandoned keiki 2 is doing better than keiki 1, that is still attached to the mother. I took the plunge and cut keiki 1 off, also.

The keikis re-plumped their leaves while in the water cup, as if they were never wrinkled and parched. 

Cut spikes with keikis - keiki 1 right, keiki 2 left

I have been holding the stems in a cup of approximately 6oz water, laced with 3 drops Physan and 2 drops mixed fertilizer. I also lightly wrapped the base of each keiki with unraveled cosmetic cotton balls. I moistened the cotton with the solution above and added a drop of Superthrive to each cotton bunch once it was wrapped on the keiki.

Rootless keiki 2

Keiki 1 with some rooting.
     I am extremely, extremely pleased and surprised at the results Im getting! Within 1 week, Keiki 1 started growing another leaf and pushed another plump root, while keiki 2, which used to be rootless is showing very tiny root nubs!  I am honesty flabbergasted, since I expected nothing from my 'experiment'.
     I cant say what exactly is causing the good results - The Superthive? The fact that the stem is in water? A mix of everything?

Keiki 1 with older .5 inch root and brand new root nub.
Previously rootless, half dead keiki 2 - now with two tiny root nubs (left & center green nubs) 

   I have placed both keikis back into the forgotten corner, and bagged them to keep humidity in my dry closet. Lets see how far this method can go.

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