Thursday, April 11, 2013

Random growth updates.

BL Yellow Bird

    BL Yellow Bird has actually become more yellow, and the second bud has finally opened. The purple splotches are still very prominent but this is very attractive to me.

Repotted Phal NoID "Ikea"

Trimmed roots of Phal NoID "Ikea"

     Phal "Ikea" finally dropped its booms. Both spikes were still very healthy, green and looked like they were going to bud again, but I would rather the plant focused on growing the two leaves it started. I heavily trimmed the roots, actually. They were very broken and unmanageable.  Ikea seems to man-handle their plants. :P

Phal NoID "Miker with 2 new buds
      Phal "Mikur dropped all its blooms after 2 months. Two more have developed and one is on the verge of opening.

Oncidium Heaven Scent 'redolence'
     Onc. Heaven Scent is growing another P/B. Not much more to say. :)

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