Thursday, March 7, 2013

Onc. Heaven Scent 'redolence' final repotting

Fine coconut 'oncidium' mix from
      I finally received my medium! It has taken almost a month, but not at fault of the company - I did not complete my order like a fool and was waiting for a shipment that I never technically ordered! I was ecstatic to see the big box because it meant I could finally pot my oncidium properly. This will hopefully be the last potting for a while. I have definitely stressed this poor plant more than necessary.

    This onc. is now potted in a 4.5 inch clear pot. Its slightly too big but I stuffed some packing peanuts at the bottom to tighten things up.

     The plant is not the best looking right now, but at least its alive. That makes me very proud! The baby PB's have grown a bit since the last post. All is rather well.

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