Monday, June 17, 2013

Rootless keikis + Phal. NoID Mommie update

Keiki 1 left, keiki 2 right.

     Yes, another quick update.  It feels like time is passing by so quickly now with these little buggers. Not much to say, just some pictures.

Keiki 2 with lots and lots of root nubs.

keiki 1 with only 3 roots.

     Phal. Mommie, on the other hand has not made any progress. I placed her in a cup of LECA to keep the lone root dry. The bottom most leaf has yellowed and turned crunchy around the edges. I snipped it off at the base and placed it back in the same window.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Phal "Valentine" progress after sunburn.

     It has been about 1 year since Phal Valentine has been sunburned, but is progressively getting better!  The growth is rather vigorous  too! The picture above is about 1 week old and within that time, the baby leaf has doubled in size. I have previously mentioned the need for new roots and the orchid gods have listened. 5 new root tips have emerged and are anchoring themselves.  I plan to cut off the woody, brown, hard roots when the new ones finish growing.

Last years sunburn.

New green roots next to older, woody, brown roots.