Friday, May 17, 2013

Rootless removed keikis: Update.

     The keikis that were previously cut off the mom plant are still in my closet, in a cup of water. They have been doing great, but once again are showing wrinkly leaves. The method has been efective for about a month and has bought the baby plants enough time to grow a bunch of roots.

     I dont know exactly what caused all this rooting on keiki 2's stem. Even the unknown nub has shown 3 root bumps, as seen above. For now, I am assuming the drop of Superthrive I placed in the water is responsible for the fast growth.

     Above is keiki 2, showing 4 root growths on right side. This keiki is much more wrinkled compared to keiki 1. Im going to try and keep it in the water cup as long as possible before its removal and final transplant.

     Above, the left side of keiki 2 shows 3 more roots. A total of 7 have started growing within the last month.

     Keiki 1 has done little when it comes to root growth. It is concentrating more on pushing a new leaf.

     The mother plant is still hanging on for its life. I am misting its lone, stubby, aerial root daily. Its condition has not improved but has not become any worse since the keikis have been removed.

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